Wednesday, December 08, 2004


When teaching children about metamorphic rocks, I always know, before I ever say the word, that some rocks are going to be more interesting than others, namely SCHIST.

Through constant questioning strategies and feigning a great deal of interest, the students try to thoughtfully provoke me into mispronouncing the word. I never have, and I never will. (Not in the classroom, anyway...)

So today, when a student COMPLETELY misspelled the word, I looked down at his paper, and redirected him to fix it. He turned purple, obviously embarrassed by his mistake, and started to erase. His neighbor, viewing the action from across the table, exclaimed: HOLY SCHIST! YOU ALMOST GOT INTO A LOT OF TROUBLE.

That child is staying after school tomorrow.

Also, one of my students informed me today that if you put the letter "B" in front of certain bad words that they are no longer bad. I told him he was incorrect if the intent was still to utter a bad word. I turned to walk away, and I heard him quietly tell his friend that the uncooperative student sitting across from him was still a Basshole.

This is only funny for me because we went through a period in my house growing up where we would put "CH" in front of the bad words...which made us laugh and not use those words. It worked well until "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" came on TV.

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