Saturday, December 18, 2004

Article Sneak Preview...

This is a portion of the article that I sent in to the Independent Tribune for this week. It may come out on Wednesday, but could as easily be any day...keep an eye out! Enjoy this last weekend before Christmas!

They say all hearts go home for Christmas, and mine is certainly in Kannapolis right now. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, and I’m missing being there the most during this time of the year.

I have wonderful memories of Christmas in K-Town, the lights downtown, and the Santa that used to float in the mill lake. Those times are still magical, especially in my desperately homesick mind, and I can’t help but to try to relive them every chance I get.

Christmas always started for my brother, sister, and I on the day that school would let out early for the Kannapolis Christmas parade. My parents would park in the Aycock Elementary School parking lot, and we’d hike over the railroad tracks to “our” spot across the street from Table Supply.

The streets would fill up, the parade would start, and we would jump and peek, trying to spy Santa first. My mother would make popcorn, filling paper grocery bags, and we would stand together, bundled in blankets and laughing out loud.

Following the parade, we helped finish the last of the decorating that my father would start on the day after Thanksgiving. There were candles to put in the windows, ornaments for the trees, and my brother, sister, and I were always responsible for the downstairs tree…because that was where Santa would come.

More to come...I'll put snippets of the rest of the article up as the week wears on...

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