Monday, December 20, 2004

Absolutely Treacherous!

It was -2 degrees this morning going to school. The roads were a solid sheet of ice, and people were all over the road. I lived through it...thank goodness...because they're expecting a warm front tomorrow. It's going to be a balmy 20 degrees in the morning, and then we have a heat wave for Thursday. Highs COULD be in the upper 30's.

Here's the next section of my holiday article for the Independent Tribune:

The excitement and magic would increase exponentially for us as Christmas drew nearer. One year, we went to McAdenville, and I remember sitting on the exit ramp, in a long line of traffic. My mother asked my father if he heard noises, and my father said that he did. She looked out the front window, and the side ones, and this intense look came over her face. She turned to us in the back seat, and whispered, “Look out the back window. Be very, very quiet. Do you see anything?”

A red light was soaring through the sky. “Looks like a reindeer to me,” she whispered. My siblings and I were awestruck, staring at the backdrop of stars that the red light was moving through. Only seconds passed, it seems, until we were in McAdenville, the lights even more magical with the possibility of glimpsing more reindeer, or perhaps Santa himself.

Our weekends would weave through Christmas parties and last minute mall shopping. There’d be Christmas pageants at church, and fun activities at school—all leading up to Christmas Eve.

I'll post the next section on Wednesday. Have a great week!

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