Friday, December 03, 2004

An acceptable day...

We finally had some discernable snow. We got about 2 inches of wet, heavy snow, and it was beautiful, especially on all of the trees coming to work this morning.

On a different note, as it started to snow last night, I walked outside because Doug and Barbara were missing. They were hiding in the front yard with a mouse that was stuck to the adhesive pad Doug had put out.

Moose, the cat who does no wrong in the eyes of those who love him, brought a mouse into the house, and set it free. I am the only one who recognizes the cat as the purposeful, instigating, seed of Satan that he is. He brought the mouse in on purpose to see what we would do. Incidentally, he never kills the animals he catches, he just plays with them...some of you will remember the baby rabbit in the shoe situation earlier in the summer. It was neither pretty, nor was the rabbit dead. Thank God the dogs, the more angelic of the animals in the house, were there to protect the rabbit, and helped it live by licking it while it hid face first in Doug's shoe. When we discovered the rabbit, it was soaked with dog spit. Maybe there are worse things than being eaten by a cat.

Any-who, back to the mouse. The super deluxe adhesive that Doug had used to capture the mouse did not kill it. I offered to put it out of its misery, but instead was given a knife and asked to save it. I'm happy to report that the mouse did, in fact, become seperated from the adhesive, but there was quite a bit of adhesive left on him when he tried to run away. (And on me...)

In your minds, picture a pirate, with a suction cup on the end of his wooden leg.

Hop-stick, get the picture...the little sucker was never going to be a marathon runner, but luckily, was able to get to shelter before the cat realized he had been let go.

Daily life with the Brumpton's is becoming more and more dramatic...I really need a video camera on all the time. I could call the resulting reality show "As the Brumpton's Turn" or "One Life To Live: and I'm Living It With A British Person."

The comedy is ongoing...persistant, and unstoppable. In fact, I'm laughing right now, sort of.

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