Monday, June 23, 2014

Horseback Riding

Lily went horseback riding yesterday at the Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Center through a joint project between Children's Hospital, The Stephen J. Comunale Jr. Foundation, and Carly's Club. They are always so nice to us and include Lily in many of their activities during the year. This one is Lily's favorite!

Lily even made the Channel 4 news! CLICK HERE or the Picture to see the video!

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Butterfly Liberation Day!

Lily set her butterflies free today. We ordered one of those caterpillar kits and Lily got to watch them grow, form chrysalides, and then hatch as butterflies. We've been feeding them sugar water on daisies for the last few days and today was warm and sunny enough to set them free!

I don't know if the last picture qualifies as a photobomb, but Lily was able to pose with the only one that stuck around for a few minutes!