Tuesday, October 05, 2004


I love my wife very much, but her ability to assign human characteristics to all objects, living and non-living goes beyond anything I've ever seen. And, it's very entertaining. Today was the first day the kids got to pick up the crayfish in her Science class. One of the kids brought his own crayfish from home, and had already painted its back with a spot of nail polish. In order to make the crayfish different from the others, the kid decides to paint stripes down the crayfish's back. In doing so, he accidentally painted over the crayfish's eyes, effectively blinding him. Liz reprimanded the kid, but not harshly...it was an accident. However, when Liz told me the story, I said, "so what you're telling me is that the crayfish is now blind, and cannot find food or shelter?" Wrong thing to say. That statement made the crayfish into an instant homeless handicapped person who may not survive the night. Laughing and crying often go hand in hand, and today, they were at least in the same room together. However, the crayfish's eyes are covered with an exoskeleton, and when they shed their skin, the little sucker will no longer be blind. I have to wonder though what he's thinking, probably something along the line of "I was just swimming along, minding my own business and BAM! This kid paints over my eyes...can't a crayfish just get a break sometimes?"

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