Sunday, April 30, 2006

End of April

Good afternoon!

Please accept my apologies over the infrequent updates over the past week and a half. Not much is going on, but I do have some pictures and info to add later this week. I've wrapped up my college courses this semester and we are on a downhill slope to summer at school.

Siobhan and Maureen were over today, along with Doug and Barb, and we had dinner and took some pictures of the baby. I've also been taking pictures of the baby bunnies and am awaiting a good shot of the duck chicks. I also think the squirrel in the attic has had some young 'ins as well, but they seem to all go out during the day and are only using our house as sleep headquarters.

Look for more as the week wears on, I'll try not to let so much time pass before the next post!

Have a great week!


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