Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Back in Buffalo...

Well, we're back!

We had a nice visit in Kannapolis and were able to catch up on the important things: Cheerwine, Barbeque, Grits, Deviled Eggs, and Sausage Balls.

Oh, and we got to see everybody too. We didn't plan a whole lot this time and just let things sort of work themselves out. We got to see a lot of people at both schools, but wish we had the time for extended visits. (Debbie, Anita, Bernard, Lipscombs, Wcisleks, etc...we owe you more time on the next visit!) We had a relaxing time, though, and that's what we wanted.

We had some nice surprises, running into the Browns at the Stag and Doe, Carol Corbin and Renae Collins at Wal-Mart, Benicia Morgan - a former student - who we saw at the Japanese restaurant, Cannon - my former college roommate - with his wife Yetta and their daughter Tori, and we also got to meet the guy who bought our house - who just happens to have a dog named 'Brody!'

We also saw what they've done to the mill. I wasn't nearly as shocked as I thought I'd be. I was more surprised at the view across Kannapolis without the mill in the way of the view. The major change, I thought, was in the horizon which offered a perspective I'd never seen before. It was cool.

We came back so that I could finish up my Master's Project edits and revisions as well as a final paper for my Monday night class, so I better get cracking! It was great to see everyone and hopefully we'll see you again soon. Some pictures below...

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