Sunday, May 15, 2005


If you could, please touch your middle finger to your thumb on your right hand. Now, pretend that you couldn't pull that apart.

I was gluing something this morning, and inadvertently glued my fingers together. I read the warning on the package, and tried very hard to be careful, but somehow, the glue still got on me, and permanently adhered my fingers together.

After an initial panic, I realized simultaneously two things: a) I could probably get them apart without going to the hospital, if I tried hard enough, and b) I was glad no one else was awake yet.

After twenty minutes of scalding hot water, and working my fingers back and forth, I managed to separate my fingers and lose only a little skin. The hot water hurt worse than pulling the skin apart.

I expect a full recovery, and, as I rarely get any sympathy, and am thus conditioned to not having it, I am mostly over it now. (If there were a chance for real sympathy, though, I would glue my whole hand to my back...)

Anyway...that's my Sunday so far.

1 comment:

FarmerW said...

good thing he wasn't touching something else.