Monday, December 03, 2007

New December Pics!

Lily enjoys a piggy back ride.

If you come over to visit, this is what you can expect. We clean, vacuum, straighten, etc. dozens of times a week. Whatever we do, Lily UNDOES it in less than 30 seconds. We've decided to stop letting it bother us and just deal with it.

Lily watches the snow out the front window.

Lily LOVES bath time, so we use it as a reward for sleeping through the night. This is her third bath ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike and Liz...

Some people keep photo albums... and scrapbooking is a huge business these days... but Lily will have an ONLINE PHOTO JOURNAL of her life... she'll either love or hate you for this when she gets older...

What a great photo of her... and you have me recalling my days as a young mother... where sleep was only a fond memory! It'll pass... hang in there!

HUGS from Lily's cyber Grandma in WI!
