Thursday, September 21, 2006

Mother Mantis

At first, I thought it was just a leaf that had blown under the car, but upon closer inspection, I found this. I've never seen a mantid up here before, though they're crawling all over the south. This one is about half the size of the ones I've seen in North Carolina, and it cooperated nicely when I captured it. However, I noticed it was with children, probably 200 or more, and I couldn't bear to keep it in its present condition, so I grabbed the camera and set it free on our spruce trees in the front yard. It is VERY with children and did not even attempt to fly away. It maneuvered itself underneath the branch, out of sight of any predators. (Except for me with the camera.) I wouldn't be surprised if she laid her egg sac tonight. I'll check tomorrow afternoon. I just thought this was cool. Liz was NOT HAPPY when I brought it into the house.

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