Saturday, November 26, 2005

Lake Effect SNOW...YEAH!

We went from virtually no snow to about 8 inches last night. A Lake Effect Snow Band started muscling its way north, and dumped quite a bit of snow on us. Of course, I loved it! I had all of the blinds pulled up so that I could see it while we decorated for Christmas. This did not make my wife happy, as others could readily see into our house. It reminded me of when we were little and my father would leave the blinds open around the house, prompting my mother to say "all of Kannapolis" could see in. (Though the phrase eventually evolved into just: "All of Kannapolis, Mike, All of Kannapolis!) I felt like telling Liz that "All of Amherst" could see in our house, but I didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

Also of note in one of the snow pictures is the driveway that I shoveled myself. It took over half an hour, and God bless the man next door for doing the sidewalk. (He must have seen the snow induced asthma attack I was having at the bottom of the driveway.) I have determined that it would be in our best interest to hire someone to clear our driveway. I like the snow, but not enough to shovel it anymore!

Additionally, I included some pictures of Siobhan from Thanksgiving. I don't know why we even bothered with Turkey, since she's such a HAM!

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