Monday, July 04, 2005

Late last night, Liz and I stayed up to watch the impact with Comet Tempel 1. The mission was called Deep Impact, and about a year and a half ago, I added many of your names to a list that would be burned on a CD and housed in the object that impacted the comet. In the next few weeks, you should be able to print out a certificate from NASA. I printed out the certificates when I uploaded our names, but they are packed right now. Everyone in my family and Liz's family was included, as well as extended family members. I also put in all of the names of the students I had in my last school year at KMS. I gave them their certificates at school. I hope you all felt a little closer to heaven last night...because you were! (83 million miles closer, to be exact...) Posted by Picasa

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