Saturday, June 25, 2005

Summer's finally here, and to celebrate...I shaved my head! I wanted to see what I looked like bald, and here's the result! I was going to clean shave it like Telly Savalas, but stopped at the stubble far it feels great. In other news: We close on the house next week, so this time next weekend, we'll be pool owners. (Thank's hotter than blue blazes up here!) We've got to do painting and carpet, so we may not move in until the second week in July, but as soon as we're in, come on up or over to visit...we'll leave a light on for ya! On a final note, in the first 24 hours of having a bald head, I can report that none of those who rubbed it have gotten good luck, and life is a little more difficult when others are begging to rub your head at all times. It's been like a polishing festival here all day long...I think Dolly, Liz's grandmother, chafed the right front quadrant of my skull. I've been in head massage therapy for about the last twelve hours or so. I'm beginning to develop a luster similar to that of a chrome trailer hitch! That's all for now, so, as my father says, TTFN (Ta-Ta For Now...) Posted by Hello

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