Saturday, June 04, 2005

Hot Off The Presses!

Liz and I have new jobs!

Liz interviewed at my school, Starpoint, for an 8th grade English Position, and got the call on Thursday that she got it. WE'LL BOTH BE TEACHING AT THE SAME SCHOOL AGAIN!!! YEAH!!!!

Yesterday, I found out for sure that I will not be teaching science next year, and instead will become the Middle School's Critical Thinking Specialist. Initially, it was to be a pull-out gifted teacher, but has morphed into me being able to work with many of the teachers in our middle school, including the new 8th grade English teacher!

We're both's a little more money, we can drive to work together, and save over $1000 next year in gas alone.

When we came up here, we knew that teaching jobs were few and far between, and were so excited that we got hired quickly by two of the top school districts. Despite the odds against being able to work together again, things have SO worked out.

Now, if we can just sell the house down south, and if I can finish the Master's (hopefully next Spring...), things will be pretty much back to normal. (Thank goodness!)

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