Wednesday, January 30, 2008

If A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush, How Much is a Whole Tree In The Bush Worth?

More wind, more trees down. We spent the day in the dark. The power went out from the 60-70 mph winds at 6:00am. Our neighbor's tree fell this time, right across our driveway! They called school off, but we wouldn't have been able to get out anyway. I like the snow still, but the other associated weather is starting to get old. Our poor lone spruce tree in the front is on its last leg. We thought it was going over several times today, and it's hanging on literally by a thread. It didn't fall over, but we're going to have to have it cut down in a couple of weeks...all of the roots practically are pulled out and we're sure it's dead. It's only a matter of time before it falls too. *sigh* We spent the day at Barb and Doug's--they had power. We are supposed to get another round of snow on Friday...hopefully with none of the attached wind or low, low temps!

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