Friday, September 28, 2007


Well, day by day, things are getting slowly better. (I know it's only been two days.) I'm still very sore, and my back is killing me, I guess from being in one position for several days. I had some more blood work done this morning and I have my post op appointment next Thursday. I did lose 9 pounds in the hospital, and I'll find out next Thursday if I've lost any additional weight. I'm on a clear liquid diet right now and through Monday. I haven't been hungry at all, but I've wanted to taste every food that I've seen on TV since the surgery. I know the commercials were there before, but I never realized the quantity of commercials that are food related. (And toy related, for that matter.) I've been having coffee, chicken broth, water, Crystal Light, Sugar Free Jello, apple juice, and popsicles, and I've been doing pretty well with it. I "graduate" to what are called "FULL" liquids next week, so I'll be able to have creamy soups, milk, and the protein shakes I was drinking before the surgery. That will last a couple of weeks and then I can have some soft foods, pureed stuff, mashed potatotes, etc.

Since the surgery, I've gone down to one diabetes pill a day rather than two, and no pill for blood pressure. My blood sugar has been dead on perfect since Monday every time I test it. I'm looking forward to seeing my bloodwork results next week and see what my overall prognosis will be as far as continuing ANY diabetes medicine. If nothing else, getting rid of the diabetes and blood pressure medications will have made the surgery well worth it.

Oh, and if you're up to it, here's a picture of the incision, just CLICK HERE. The spot on the left is where they placed an anesthetic pump, the middle is the surgical incision, and on the right is where the doctor placed the drain, which was removed at the hospital. Yes, I've taken a bath, that's just what it looks like. The rest of the picture is just my normal attractiveness, try not to be overwhelmed by the Greek-like beauty.


Debby Smith said...

WOW! I didn't know you could get your blood pressure and chemistry whipped into shape immediately! I'm so pleased that there are measurable gains from the very beginning. Good for you.

Anonymous said...

I have an incision just like that one- when you're feeling better, I'll come over and show you. And while I'm there, I can pick up my microscopes