Friday, January 19, 2007

Liz and Teaching...

She's done!

Liz finished today and will have a couple of weeks off before the baby gets here. We had testing this week and she stayed for it, even though the doctor was pressing for her to be off this week too. She's having a great difficulty walking and fact, comfort and relaxation are really not in her realm right now. Hopefully these couple of weeks will give her some much needed time to rest before the bambino arrives. We met her sub, and she seems nice. Liz felt confident leaving her kids in the subs hands. I guess the countdown really is on now!

By the way, Lily is kicking so hard now you can see her rolling around in Liz's belly. She rolls from one side to the other and has been kicking Liz so hard it feels like she's coming out! I'd videotape it...but Liz already put the kibosh on that!

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