Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Michael McCocker

We've decided that Taylor Hicks from American Idol is the perfect combination of Michael McDonald and Joe Cocker, thus his new name: Michael McCocker.

Last night's performances were ho hum, but we're hoping he wins tonight. We'll be watching "Lost" and flipping back to American Idol during the commercials. We're taking the phone off the hook, though, because last year we did the same thing and a certain someone called and ruined our moment. That certain someone should remember that Father's Day is just around the corner!

Also, the posting about "The Da Vinci Code" will be appearing in the Buffalo News this week. You can access the Buffalo News from the link in the menus on the left side of this web page. I don't know which day it's expected, but you can check it out for yourself. When you get on their webpage, click on "Opinion," then "Everybody's Column." Look for the one about "The Da Vinci Code." They said they were going to edit it because it was too long. I'm interested to see which parts they keep.

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