Thursday, September 01, 2005


In 2 days, gas has gone up 55 cents a gallon. We're planning on staying in a lot more now, and we're considering walking! (Oh, the horror!) The rain from the Hurricane came through, but we fared okay. We had about 4 inches of rain, and it filled up the pool. Other than that, we didn't have any other flooding or damage. However, being new to taking care of a pool, I forgot to turn the filter from "rinse" back to "filter." The vacuum that was created when I let some of the water of the pool continued to slowly seep water while I went to work. When I came home, there was about ten inches drained out of it! It took 4 hours to put the water back...I can't wait to see that water bill!

Also, I took a picture of one of the streets that flooded on the way to work:

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