Thursday, August 18, 2005

Day Trip

We went down to Lily Dale today, about an hour south of Buffalo. It's a psychic/medium community, and is the place that inspired "Mediums At Large." The medium that I normally see was booked today, but I did get to speak to her briefly, and another medium that I know, Virgil, both of whom I used as characters in the novel. Liz got to see somebody, and had a good experience. It's mainly like counseling if you haven't done it before, but the main draw is how pretty the place is. It sits on Canandaigua Lake.

I was kind of hoping that the psychic said something to Liz about how soon we should consider an institutional placement for her father, but she forgot to ask. I feel it coming soon, though, and I'm NOT even close to being clairvoyant. (Yesterday, Doug's one-sided lunch conversation was about blind people and their bathroom habits...I don't know where he comes up with this stuff...he thinks he's hilarious until Liz and Barb start shushing him, and smacking him around a bit. I think he is losing that part of himself that tells him subconsciously which topics would be better for private conversations and which would be better in public...)

We spent a few hours there, and then came back so that Liz and her parents could enable each other's addictions at the casino. (They won, though, so they are still in my good graces...) I preferred to stay home and watch the Comedy Central roast of Pam Anderson.

We've got two more weeks of vacation before school starts, so Liz and I are planning a couple more day trips next week...maybe back over to Canada to buy Frozen Food not found in America. (We bought these meat pies yesterday. I had a couple today and they were incredible. They're like little individual shepherd's pies!)

Below are some pictures from our day down in Lily Dale:

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