Tuesday, September 06, 2011

'Twas the Night Before Pre-K

'Twas the night before Pre-K

and excitement rang out,

going to bed early,

I was beginning to doubt.

The supplies were all ready,

The backpack was full,

With gluesticks and pencils,

And notebooks for school.

Her mom and I are ready,

To start her school path,

We're excited she's learning,

Reading, writing, and math,

And new languages,

And Science, and History too,

All to get ready

For whatever she'll do.

New Common Core standards,

New ways to prepare,

We want her to be ready,

And world-aware!

We've anticipated

The things that she'll learn

As a student in school,

With much to discern.

We're proud of our child,

We want her to thrive

Beyond traditional constraints

Always flying high.

To her teacher, we pledge,

Our support to the max,

To her journey, we hope,

There is nothing she lacks.

As we begin our new life

Of bright public ed,

We wish Lily success,

In her journey ahead.

We love that she's ready,

Excited and glad,

To begin a lifelong love

Of the world to be had.

Every opportunity,

That this world can provide,

Is now in your reach, child,

Just step inside...

*Your mother and I love you very much, Lily, and are so excited for you to begin your educational journey. We know the value to your life that learning brings, and we hope that you take advantage of it. We're so proud of you already, and look forward to many great things filled with wonder and passion.

* "Once you learn to read, you will forever be free." - Frederick Douglass

1 comment:

jodie.hott said...

What a beautiful tribute to your special child!! She will treasure this one day. She is very blessed to have you guys as parents. What lucky teachers she will have to have you guys as supportive parents. Enjoy every minute, before you blink she will be starting driver's ed!!!