Sunday, September 25, 2011

Unbelievable Kitten Discovery...

The kittens, so far, have been pretty good. I'm pretty sure our furniture, blinds, and all cords that go with our electronics have their days numbered...but the kitties are cute, and Lily loves them.

We discovered something today, though on Benji.  He's got a tortoise shell sort of pattern but the pattern looks as though it is letters that make up the words "JOY" or "LILY," depending on how you look at him.  I know I'm projecting onto the cat, but it is kind of neat to see.  I'm including pictures with the original pic, and then highlighting pics so you can see what we're seeing...

Strange...but comforting...

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Kitties are here!

Lily is over the moon! We adopted two kittens today from the SPCA, with the help of our friends, Jenny and Brian, who fostered the kittens from birth.  The kittens slept behind the couch most of the day, but are vivacious and lively tonight! Lily took many of these pictures herself--she's getting pretty good with the camera!  Their names are Benji and Bitsy. Benji was already named, and Bitsy (the lighter one) is named after the nickname that Liz was called as a kid and my grandparent's bakery. We're letting them roam the house tonight as they get used to living with us. So far, they seem to be really loving and I'm thinking they'll end up being lap kitties!

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

At Playland Beach in Rye, NY

Visiting friends outside of NYC and walking on boardwalk where the movie BIG was filmed. There was a film crew there setting up to shoot the new PAN AM TV show tomorrow.  They were trying to make it look like a Caribbean market. The beach here is off of Long Island Sound.

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

Saturday, September 17, 2011

One Year Ago...


One year ago today, we were just getting the news that the surgery went well...

Today, we're celebrating being a year away from all of that.  Lily is doing REALLY well. We still have to have MRI's every 3 months for another year or so. (She has the next one on Monday)  But things are good right now...and she's having a fantastic time at school, at dance class, and starts playing soccer on Tuesday.

Also, she's the biggest ham on the planet.  And we couldn't be more happy...

*the picture is from over the summer with Lily's Nana TT...

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lily Starts Dance Class

Lily started dance class tonight.  Out of the 9,000 kids that were there, she was one of 6 that followed directions pretty well. I was amazed at how quickly a migraine could come over me.  There were 3 rooms going with different aged dancers--all with different very loud music. I'm done with Nicki Minaj's Super Bass--I won't be listening to it ever again. Lily had a fantastic time, though. She can't wait to go back!

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lily in Independent Health's Community Report


Lily's story is featured in the upcoming Independent Health 2011 Community Report:

The article talks about the personal service we got from Independent Health during the last year. (and CONTINUE to get!)  Our care manager, Karen, was really wonderful, and continues to keep in contact with us!

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

Monday, September 12, 2011

Days of the Week! (And some homework, too!)

Lily's new song that she learned at school and some new pictures of Lily's first round of homework!

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

Days of the Week! (And some homework, too!)

Lily's new song that she learned at school and some new pictures of Lily's first round of homework!

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

The Journey Begins...

Lily started school today.

She hopped out of the car with confidence, told us goodbye, and walked right in.  She already made a couple of friends, and was looking forward to being with all the kids and playing with her new teacher!

UPDATE: She just called me on the phone and said she had a FANTASTIC time. She even got a sticker!

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

'Twas the Night Before Pre-K

'Twas the night before Pre-K

and excitement rang out,

going to bed early,

I was beginning to doubt.

The supplies were all ready,

The backpack was full,

With gluesticks and pencils,

And notebooks for school.

Her mom and I are ready,

To start her school path,

We're excited she's learning,

Reading, writing, and math,

And new languages,

And Science, and History too,

All to get ready

For whatever she'll do.

New Common Core standards,

New ways to prepare,

We want her to be ready,

And world-aware!

We've anticipated

The things that she'll learn

As a student in school,

With much to discern.

We're proud of our child,

We want her to thrive

Beyond traditional constraints

Always flying high.

To her teacher, we pledge,

Our support to the max,

To her journey, we hope,

There is nothing she lacks.

As we begin our new life

Of bright public ed,

We wish Lily success,

In her journey ahead.

We love that she's ready,

Excited and glad,

To begin a lifelong love

Of the world to be had.

Every opportunity,

That this world can provide,

Is now in your reach, child,

Just step inside...

*Your mother and I love you very much, Lily, and are so excited for you to begin your educational journey. We know the value to your life that learning brings, and we hope that you take advantage of it. We're so proud of you already, and look forward to many great things filled with wonder and passion.

* "Once you learn to read, you will forever be free." - Frederick Douglass

What the First School Night Looks Like:

School Night Number One: Lily has NO INTENTION of going to bed at a decent hour.  It's only 8:30, but I sense we'll be up again momentarily...

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

Beautiful Sunset on our first school night...

Lily is SO excited about school tomorrow! We'll have many more pictures to follow, but we're putting up a couple teasers tonight, plus our gorgeous sunset!

Posted via email from Michael's posterous