Sunday, July 31, 2011

Buffalo Harbor Boat Cruse

Here are all the pics from our Harbor Cruise last night.  This was a Christmas gift from our friends Janet and Johnny Hale, and we've just now had the opportunity to use it!  We took our friends Scott and Eileen, as well as cousin Siobhan, and had a two hour two of the Buffalo Harbor. Lily was a little green to begin with, but we were barely out of the dock before her and Siobhan had started tearing into their snacks.  She was a little tentative for about an hour, and then she was FINE! We had a fantastic time with our "Christmas in July" cruise!  It was cool seeing Buffalo from that perspective. Perfect night for it too--sunny, good winds, calm water. We'll definitely do this again!


Posted via email from Michael's posterous


Anonymous said...

I love the close up of lily and Liz it's beautiful! Nice pictures :) xo Heather

Barb Brumpton said...

LOVE the PICS Buffalo does have some wonderful spots- -maybe the waterfront will finally have its day!!!! Mom