Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Lily Update

While interacting with several of you on Facebook and Twitter, it dawned on me that we haven't posted an update on the blog.  Things are going relatively well at the moment.  Our only issue is the nerve damage in her eye.  We are scheduled for surgery mid-June for a corrective procedure.  It is outpatient, and the doctor feels confident that he'll be able to correct the problem, which involves the drifting of Lily's eyes when she focuses on something.  Her visual acuity was slightly different between the eyes, but we'll test her vision again later in the summer after the procedure.  With the laundry list of things that could have gone wrong, we're grateful that it's just this one thing.

She'll also have another MRI in June and we'll have another clinic for them to tell us the results, but so far, so good--we'll just keep our fingers crossed and keep on praying!

Tomorrow we have her introductory meeting with the school district where she'll attend Pre-K this fall.  I don't know if I'm thrilled or scared, but it's happening irregardless!

The pictures are of Lily in her new outfit from China, with her new charm bracelet and playing out in the front yard.

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

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