Friday, April 15, 2005

Sorry, It's Been Awhile...

I haven't updated in awhile because my hands are gnarled from typing. I have a professor who is a masochist and seems to derive pleasure from his death by keyboard method of instruction. I have so much of what I can only call busywork from this guy that I can barely think and breath on my own at this point. I talked to a couple of people from class earlier in the week, and none of them were coherent, babbling on and on and slobbering profusely. Some of the students in the class are requesting an incomplete, and will have until October to finish. I will NOT be going that route, I want this done now.

The class in on Multicultural Education, and one of the busywork assignments is to put ourselves into a situation that we would not otherwise go. The professor wants us to experience the "other"...someone who is so wholly different so that we can get a perspective on their levels. The point of the plan is noble, but his plan is for people to go to Gay Bars and experience that lifestyle. What I'd like to know, is how the Gay Bar scene would transfer to my classroom? I can be sympathetic and accepting, I can be tolerant and understanding, I can accept anyone regardless of race, gender, class, or orientation. However, I am not of the bar lifestyle, and neither are the children that I teach. I don't see how the experience is related to education.

Needless to say, I'm not doing that. I chose a different "other" to experience.

Also, I'm concerned that the college I chose to go to has this "Multicultural" requirement. It's one class that is supposed to change our modes of thinking and the expectation is that we become all encompassing of every difference. I tend to think that this should be a part of the entire collegiate experience, rather than one class that you take and then it's over.

I'm just fed up at the moment...this blog is a great vent.

Forgive me, I just want this class to be over with. I'm at my wit's end.

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