Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Been Laughing All Day...

I'm teaching cleavage and fracture as properties of minerals to the kids this week, which they, of course, are loving. They are loving it because I mention the word "CLEAVAGE" in class. Everytime I say it, they snicker. It's hard not to laugh with them...but I keep my serious face on and look at them disapprovingly. Lord help me when I get to the metamorphic rock "SCHIST". (Because in my class, I have little pieces of "Schist," and big pieces of "Schist." I have one piece that is pitted, and covered tiny holes...it, of course, is "Hole-y Schist."

By the way...an update on Doug: He's in agony with his shingles, but it has not yet hampered his ability to see the television set. On Sunday, though, he explained that he only got to watch half of his football games, as one eye was completely swollen shut. He should be back to normal in a week or so, or at least as normal as one can be and still be British.

1 comment:

FarmerW said...

Crap! I had the shingles when Kayla was born... the painful kind and it was agonizing. Kristen had a wonderful OBGYN who diagnosed me (that was fun!) then gave Kristen a presctiption for twice as much pain killer. That made it better.